Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Sam Vs Sam (Nova Vs Cannonball)

Nova is one of my favourite characters to draw. I enjoyed the series of both Richard Rider and Sam Alexander. But Sam was my first experience of Nova, so he is who I associate with the character of Nova. 

I have been drawing a lot of Nova and Champion covers lately. So I decided to do a little short story for my portfolio with two very talented people. Rob Jones on letters and Gillian Dempsey on Editor duty.

Nova and Cannonball, or as I call it Sam vs Sam. 

Nova and Cannonball by Marvel Comics
Story & Art by Colm Griffin
Letters by Rob Jones
Edited by Gillian Dempsey


  1. Saw this on twitter and it made me laugh. You are part of Ireland "biggest" comic publisher and all you mustered was 20 likes and a few retweets. Despite the fact that there are much more people than that in the Irish comic Scene. What does that tell you? They all saw it. They just couldn't be bothered giving you a like and a share. Even Shalvey and Mooney and all those lads. Not one of them interacted with it and they are supposed to be Wayne's friends. This hit like a lead balloon. The Irish scene doesn't & won't support this shite. Good-luck getting a job with Marvel or anywhere else.

    1. Hi Anonymous,

      Thank you for checking out my twitter and then following the link to my site. I appreciate the effort/journey to get you here. It is also on my instagram account if you wouldn't mind taking a spin over there and give it the ol' thumbs up. Thanks for the support.

      Your in Comics,
      Colm M G Esquire the 3rd.

  2. These pages are immense, love your style so much!
