So I wasn't happy with the nightmare film I pitched it just wasn't really my style so I came up with a new idea and I'm all over it right now. Very Excited. I have an animatic on the way, but for now here is a poster i put together for it and as you can see the steps I used to complete it.
This is an animatic i put together for my kids nighmares stuff, the music isnt mine. It belongs to Def Jux artist Cage. It was a fun little story while it lasted.
So it's time for a new animated short idea and mine is about nightmares. I'm just thinking about different nightmares people have and doing some ground work this one is "DROWNING". Theres more to come enjoy
This is the production company logo from our first animated TV advertisement I will post that as soon as i can aswell as some layouts and stuff that i worked on.